The ANNUAL CONFERENCE was established to bring together Athletic Directors from all parts of our state to discuss new ideas and solutions to problems common to all.
Ideas and solutions are discussed through presentations by speakers and hands-on workshop sessions. Most, if not all of the sessions, are presented by our peers in the profession of athletic administration. Leaders in other fields are brought in to complete the program and maintain its high level of excellence.
The conference is held each March in Traverse City at the Grand Traverse Resort Hotel. Here are future conference dates: MARCH 13 - 16, 2025.
LEADERSHIP TRAINING COURSE LISTING & SCHEDULE - must pre - register through you AMP Final Forms account.
CONFERENCE TENTATIVE SCHEDULE - to be posted in early 2025.
Conference Registration takes place only through your AMP Final Form account - go back to the opening page and click on REGISTRATION to go to the site.
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa --
Listing of Extra Hotels if the Grand Traverse Resort & Spa is full
Turtle Creek Casino - Call: (231) 534-8870 mention MIAAA
Vendor Contact -- TIM JOHNSTON contact him at tjohnston1977@gmail.com to reserve a booth at the Annual Conference. Spaces fill up quickly.
Annual Leadership Academy
If you are interested in attending the LEADERSHIP ACADEMY -- and are not currently a MIAAA member - please contact Karen Leinaar - karenleinaar@gmail.com with your name and email address - once this has been received you will be added to our membership database so you can register online. You will receive an email with a confirmation that you can now register. If you have questions - please call 231-218-6983.
2022 -- Will be held during the Annual Conference in March 2022.
The Professional Development team has altered the Leadership Academy -- it will now be attached to the Annual Conference in March.
Camp Mid Information
2024 - AGENDA - TBA
Conference dates are Tuesday, June 25 - Thursday, June 27
You can now register for the SUMMER WORKSHOP on your Final Forms - AMP page. Either login (if you remember) or go to the REGISTRATION tab - this will take you to Final Forms. Once there, click on your name in the top right corner to Profile - now your page has all the items you have been involved with -- will be membership - could be Annual Conference, and / or LTI -- now click on Events and there is the SUMMER WORKSHOP -- click on REGISTER and follow the directions. Make sure you answer all the questions - we need to get a solid head count for attendance, meals and activities.
If you have questions - reach out to Karen Leinaar - 231-218-6983 or karenleinaar@gmail.com or Mike Bakker - 810-516-9723 or mbakker@fentonschools.org
Hotel Information - Call (989) 772-4000
Comfort Inn - Mt. Pleasant