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Who can belong to the MIAAA?Any person in the state of Michigan who has an officially appointed, direct administrative or supervisory responsibility for interscholastic athletics in: - Public, private, or parochial schools - Affiliated organizations whose services deal primarily with interscholastic athletics - Life members of the M.I.A.A.A. (See constitution for requirements of Life Membership Status.) - Administrative Assistant - register as such on the membership form
Who can attend MIAAA conferences?Any person who is a member of the M.I.A.A.A.. is eligible to attend MIAAA conferences. Any person who is not a member of the M.I.A.A.A. and wishes to attend our conferences must pay a Non Member Registration Fee.
How do I join the MIAAA?Each fall our website will make available the membership application to be completed and the annual dues sent to our Executive Director Karen Leinaar, at PO Box 1708, Frankfort, MI 49635. Any athletic director in Michigan whose school is a member of the MHSAA is eligible to join the MIAAA. Other interested athletic administrators or those who have questions can contact the Executive Director, Karen Leinaar at 231-218-6983.
What does the association do for its members?In addition to affiliation and membership in THE professional organization for athletic administrators, the MIAAA offers numerous advantages. The collective voice of the athletic director in Michigan, the MIAAA has the ear of state and national leaders with representation on both MHSAA and National Federation committees. Each March the membership publishes and promotes position action statements, which reflect the direct vote of the membership on current issues. Services to members have expanded beyond two excellent conferences to include projects such as the Elements of Effective Athletic Administration, the Exemplary Athletic Department Awards Program, Practical Sportsmanship Solutions as well as our most recent Statewide School Location Guide. Internally the MIAAA has an expansive network of committees made up of active and retired A.D's. For example, the MIAAA Professional Development Committee provides numerous NIAAA Leadership Training Courses as well as the efforts to keep Michigan the number one state in the nation for Certified Athletic Administrators through ongoing promotion, study sessions and CAA test offerings. As one of the nations most active Athletic Directors associations, the MIAAA produces a quarterly newsletter, not to mention, this web site which will serve interscholastic sports and you the athletic director at the speed of light!
How does the MIAAA work with the MHSAA?The relationship between the MHSAA and the MIAAA can best be described as a partnership. The MIAAA has representation on all MHSAA sport committees, which is the vehicle for reviewing all MHSAA rules and regulations. In addition many leaders and members of the MIAAA are members of the governing body of the MHSAA, the Representative Council. The MIAAA and the MHSAA are a unified team in regards to coaches and athletic directors in service and training. MIAAA members work with the MHSAA staff to conduct both the Coaches Advancement Program (CAP) and the MHSAA In-Service for new Athletic Directors.
How do I know what Region I belong in?The MIAAA has the state divided into 14 different regions. Click on this link to see the map - Region 14 is for all Middle School Athletic Administrators - so if you are a district AD you should also indicate Region 14, too. Some counties have multiple regions based on league affiliation, please check with your league president or a veteran AD from your league in these cases.
How can I join an MIAAA Committee?Each member when registering has an opportunity to complete a form requesting their choice for involvement and membership with MIAAA Committees of their choice. Committee Chairs then contact those interested. MIAAA members should feel free to contact any MIAAA Committee Co-Chair to become a member of a committee. In addition, all MIAAA Board of Directors meetings are open to the entire membership.
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