The MASSP has developed a Path to Leadership - an alternate way to the Administrator Certification program which to date has nearly 700 educators who have completed the program and currently have 300 actively enrolled. This program facilitates completion within 1 year for about 1/3 the cost of the traditional college program.
With that said, they have developed a program specifically for Athletic Administrators wanting to earn their Administrative Certificate. No need for a teaching certificate or a degree in education, this may be your path to earn that certificate and continue to work and enjoy life.
There will be a special two - year cohort opportunity just for Athletic Administrators. The two - year format will allow the expense and the coursework to be spread out in a more budget and time friendly schedule specifically for AD's.
A cohort for the Path to Leadership program is generally capped at 35, so those interested should get their application in as soon as possible to guarantee a spot.